Disclosure Statement

This disclosure statement applies to the website IceandHeat.com (“IceandHeat”), accessible at https://iceandheat.com, and governs the information provided on the site.

About IceandHeat

IceandHeat is a website that focuses on offering a comprehensive selection of hot and cold products from various categories, including hotcold therapy products, home, seasonal products and more. Our objective is to curate and provide information about the best hot and cold products available in the market.

Product Recommendations

The content presented on IceandHeat is intended solely for informational purposes. Our team thoroughly researches and evaluates products in the hot and cold categories to provide recommendations based on our assessment of quality, performance, and customer feedback.

Affiliate Links

IceandHeat may include affiliate links to third-party websites or online retailers. By clicking on these links and making a purchase, we may earn a commission. Please note that these affiliate links do not influence our product recommendations or affect the objectivity of our reviews. We strive to maintain transparency and integrity in our content.

Reviews and Endorsements

Product reviews and endorsements featured on IceandHeat are based on our team’s honest opinions and experiences. We do not accept compensation or incentives to publish biased or false information. Our aim is to provide accurate assessments and helpful insights regarding the hot and cold products we review.

User Responsibility

While we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, IceandHeat cannot guarantee the completeness or correctness of the content on this website. It is the responsibility of users to verify the details, specifications, and other relevant information directly with the product manufacturer or retailer. IceandHeat shall not be liable for any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies in the content presented.

Changes to the Disclosure

IceandHeat reserves the right to modify or update this disclosure statement at any time without prior notice. It is advised to regularly review this disclosure to stay informed about any changes.

Last updated: 03/03/2024

Please contact us if you have any questions or require further information regarding the disclosure statement at info@bewellmedia.uk